Monday, April 20, 2009

The Rose Garden not a friendly place for Blazers fans on Saturday night

Saturday rolls around. It was a great day. It was sunny outside, there was lots of entertainment to be had outside of the RG, free flags were given out as you entered the doors. The building was buzzing with excitement, cheers were being screamed, mantras being chanted, and this was over an hour before the game. And Blazers fans were longing for that hour to be over, because that would end a 6 year playoff drought. It was exciting, i would even say goose bump- inducing. After the whistle was blown though, the chills of excitement, quickly turned into chills of dread running down your spine. The Blazermaniacs worst fear was coming true; the Blazers looked like a team that wasn't ready to compete in the post season. The Blazers looked flat, they couldn't stop Yao Ming (who didn't miss a shot the entire game). The Blazers couldn't score and they couldn't stop the Rockets. Aaron Brooks (former University of Oregon player) was red hot and ended the game with 27 points. The Blazers looked lost, and confused, and totally overwhelmed. The lone bright spots of the game were Brandon Roy, who looked as poised and confident as ever, dropping in 21 without playing most of the 4th quarter. Greg Oden also looked pretty good, dropping 15 points. That was it. Lamarcus Aldridge had 2 made field goals. Rudy had 1. Nobody could do anything. It was disturbing, unsettling, confusing, and down right shitty to watch as a fan. And it put me in a horrible place. a horrible place. I was not a happy camper (luckily my buddy is always there for me and helped me move on! thanx 'olly!), thats why this blog is so late. in the end, the final margin of victory was 27 points. The Blazers need to regroup. I hope they do, hopefully it was just a bit of nerves and inexperience that they got out of their system. the next game is tomorrow at 7, and it is crucial. if the Blazers dont win that one, its almost guaranteed that the series is over. The Blazers have bounced back after blowout losses all season, lets see if they have one more comeback left in em. It'll be tough but it can be done. My mission for all you Blazers fans out there?; still be loud. still be enthusiastic and let the team know that you've got their back. its when they're losing that they need your cheers the most. So Lets Rise Up, and answer the call, be there for the team when it counts, because tomorrow is the most important game of the year. So ready or not, its time for a Rip City Uprise. Wheres your Blazermania Portland?


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Houston; you have a problem, and its name is Rip City

Thats right, the rockets are in town and im putting a memo to Blazers fans; get loud! make the Rose Garden unbearable to play in. its gonna be a fun series and Im hopefully optimistic. in my opinion, the Blazers should run the ball against them. i know in the playoffs, the game is supposed to slow down and teams are supposed to play more of a half court game. My reasoning however is that Houston is a great defensive team, but they aren't all that mobile. Yao Ming has never been all that mobile and Ron Artest is getting older. Aaron Brooks is so much shorter than any of our guards, I think if we can keep Houston on their heels and backpedaling, we can keep them from getting their defense set and we can get some easy baskets. Lets challenge this team to score with us, get the game into the 100's and see if they can keep up. i also think i like Aldridge on Yao, fronting him, i think the quicker Aldridge would give Yao fits if he fronted him, Yao has historically struggled when teams try to front him. All in all, I think Nate will do whats best for the team, and i dont know that the team really has to change much, they just need to play the way they've been playing to close out the season and i think they'll be fine. alright, check back here for a review of game one, hopefully you'll like the outcome! Go Blazers! Rip City Uprise!


Iron Pyrite, staying the night, 15,000 people and home by Saturday

yes sir yes sir, Wednesday's game against the butt Nuggets was the finale of the regular season and it was a big game. the Blazers only needed to win to guarantee home court advantage in the 1st round. with San Antonio winning and Houston losing, the Blazers were going to have a playoff series against the Rockets, but they were still playing for home court advantage. The game began and it was pretty clear that BOTH teams were ready to play as the score was very close, the Blazers had a 1 point advantage after the 1st quarter, after that however, the Blazers pushed the lead and never looked back. Lamarcus and Brandon took a back seat as it was Trout and Rudy who really filled things up. Rudy hit his 159th 3 pointer of the season, which is a new NBA Rookie record, he surpassed Kerry Kittles record which was about 10 years old. The Blazers ended up winning by 28 points in an emphatic win. the Blazers really made a strong impression on the rest of the league, winning 9 of their last 10 including ending on a 6 game win streak, and in those 10 games, they beat the 3 teams that finished ahead of them in the standings. So the Blazers finished 4th in the Standings will have to face the Rockets in the first round. The first game of the series starts tomorrow, saturday at 7:30.

So after the game, the Mafia and I headed outside, and to our dismay found a huge line extending back from the box office to the Memorial Colosseum,all people waiting to buy Blazers playoff tickets the next day. (we found this to be upsetting as we were told that people werent going to be allowed to line up until 6 Am the next morning). So we quickly got in line and thats where we stayed, from about 10 pm to 12 pm the next day we waited, and landed, tix. The Mafia will be at the game. The 'concrete camp out' was pretty sweet. It was a bunch of Blazers fans just kickin it and talking about the game and the Blazes in general. Brian Wheler (Blazers radio play by play guy and way awesome dude) stopped by to shake hands and take pictures. He also was handing out money from his own pocket to people, so they could go buy food for everyone. he even gave us one of his famous "BOOOOOMSHAKALAKA!!!" calls that he uses during games. it was way cool. after we got tix, we hit the max and headed over to the Blazers playoff rally at pioneer square. It was amazing, an estimated 15,000 people crammed the area to see the players and coaches and show their fandom and support their team. as John Canzano pointed out, a lot of fans from other teams in bigger markets may look at the rally and laugh at Portland fans for celebrating a simple playoff birth. But thats what makes Portland Portland. Its what makes us weird, its what makes us unique in our Fanhood. Its what makes us Blazermaniacs, and we're damn proud of that fact. So now, Rip City is anxiously awaiting Saturday, for our first match up with the Rockets. Portland; Its time to get up, and be loud, and be fierce, and to support your team. Its time for a Rip City Uprise!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lucky you, you geta 2fer... okay so i was just being lazy

so Im gonna give you 2 games in one blog but i have a good news, both games had happy endings. The first game was on saturday, one night after taking on the L*kers, the Blazers went down to La to take on the Clippers. this game scared me a bit as it was the Blazers 4th game in 5 nights, against a Clippers team that had nothing to lose. A very dangerous game. The Blazers looked like they were going to coast to a victory but the Clippers, but like i thought, the clips were ready to play. in the middle of the second half, the Clips tied the score at 66 and actually took a 2 point lead at 68 to 66. the Blazers then realized that they needed to wake up. Rudy Fernandez and Lamarcus Aldridge played very nice games as the Blazers ran away and hid beating the Clips 87 to 72. this game wasn't pretty, but it was a win. The Blazers swept their 4 games in 5 nights, which is an impressive feat.

The last game played was last night as the Blazers returned to the Rose Garden to take on the Oklahoma City Thunder. This is another one of those games that makes me nervous. Ha. It was a laugher. It turned into a dunk fest and the Blazers took care of business and destroyed the Thunder, 113 to 83. Kevin Durant had only 10 points on the night. BRoy never had to do much, he recorded 20 points in 22 minutes, then got to enjoy the lay up line lol. Gregory also had a big night, 16 points and 9 rebounds in just 20 minutes. and we cant forget Travis who started in place of Batum (who was out with Strep). Trout stepped up and dropped 21 on OKC. it was a fun night including some awesome dunks by almost everyone including Michael Ruffin lol. My favorite by far was an alley oop to Jerryd Bayless that he slammed home on the run with one hand. sooo delicious. So it was also a big win for the Blazers as they now have won 9 of the last 10 games and are looking pretty good going into the playoffs. theres one home game left, tomorrow night against the Nuggets. Tip off is 7:30 and its on KGW. the game is big because if the Blazers win, they will Guarantee themselves home court advantage in the first round. there are 8 possible scenarios that could play out tomorrow on the last game of the season, make sure to check it out and see what happens. Also, Tickets for the playoffs go on sale Thursday at noon. theres also something else Blazers related going on at noon on Thursday, the Blazers will hold a playoff rally at pioneer courthouse square from noon to three. im a little peeved that they are holding the two events at the same time but make sure to attend at least one, if not both activities! Rip City is here, and this year, we're bringing Blazermania to the playoffs! Go Blazers!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Yea, i don't think its much of a rivalry either

All i ever hear from L*ker fans is how the Blazers aren't rivals and how the Blazers aren't a big game, no one cares. And ya know what? they're right. I dont think its much of a rivalry either. Every time the L*kers come to Portland, they get their asses spanked. so yea, not much of a rivalry. But if I were you L*ker fans, first off i would probably kill myself, but secondly, i would start regarding the Blazers as a rival, or at least someone you don't take lightly. tonight was an amazing game, The Blazers and L*kers went toe to toe and it was a great game. Kobe tried his damnedest to reverse the L*kers losing streak in the city of roses, but to no avail. The Blazers won 106 to 98. Blazers fans and Fakers fans were jawing all night back n forth, it was epic. The game was close almost all the way through. When the game got into the last few minutes, both stars decided to try an take over the game. Thats right, Roy and Kobe going at each other, head to head,Both guarding the other. And what was the end result? Roy hitting some clutch shots and Kobe missing almost everything he threw up. as a matter of fact, Kobe had one Air ball, one shot that hit the backboard but didn't draw iron, and a very nice pass... right to Steve Blake. It was such a fun game to be a part of and if you've never been to a Blazers L*kers game at the RG, you need to, hands down its something you need to do. at the end of the game its always great to see the L*ker fans disappointed. I actually saw one fan wearing a shirt that had a Blazers symbol on it, but it was not the black n red that we know and love, it was the purple and yellow that we hate. And underneath that hideously colored Blazers symbol, read the words "We own your city." I had to stop and ask him how he could a wear a shirt that says something like that, seeings as how The L*kers have lost the last 8 games at the RG, they haven't won in Rip City since 2005. his answer was similar to what most L*ker fans do when faced with a logical question; he grunted and muttered something about Kobe being the greatest under his breath. So, in short, the game was awesome, there was an awesome outcome, and we got to see L*ker fans insert there foots in their mouth, after BRoy inserted his foot in the L*kers ass. speaking of Roy, be sure to catch his mini radio show, Thursdays at 2. Its an all new segment of the Wheels at Work show on 95.5 The Game and he does an absolutely wonderful job answering questions and its a great chance for him to connect with fans. The next game is tomorrow night at 7:30 as the Blazers travel to LA to do battle with the LA CLippers. Only 3 games left, make sure you catch em and help try to cheer your Blazers on to home court advantage in the playoffs. Let the chants of "BEAT LA, BEAT LA!" echo through the night, as we have in fact beaten LA. Go Blazers!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We should be ashamed... beating up on old people like that....

Thats right, beating up old people. The youngest team in the league, the Blazers, went into San Antonio, and put some hurt on the oldest team in the league, the Spurs. As the game started, things looked bad, the Spurs jumped all over the Blazers and it looked as tho our road woes would continue. But then, I realized that I forgot something. We have something amazing, his name is Brandon Roy. after being down by 19 points in the 1st quarter, B.Roy decided he was done letting the Spurs pummel him. He led a charge back and with 3 seconds left in the half the Blazers were down 5. Pretty damn good right? well apparently Steve Blake didn't quite like that as he drilled a half court shot at the buzzer to bring the Blazers within 2 at the half. To start the 3rd quarter thing looked a bit sketchy as the Spurs pushed their 2 point lead to 8, but proving how versatile this team is and how many people can destroy you on a given night, Lamarcus Aldridge decided to start a free clinic on how to play ball, and the Spurs got a tough lesson. The Blazers captured the lead by the end of the quarter and never looked back. They ran and hid winning the game by 12 points, 95 to 83. it was a huge win. the Blazers won the season series with the Spurs 3 games to 1 and now hold the tie breaker in case the Blazers and spurs end up with identical records. They also helped their case for home court in the first round. The Blazers needed this win a lot and they went out and earned it. Perhaps the biggest and most encouraging thing about this win, was that it was on the road. The Blazers have struggled against the top 8 teams in the West on the road and tonight, they answered whether or not they could win on the road. Roy finished the game with a game high 26 points, Aldridge finished with 20, and my man Joel tha thrilla Przybilla dominated the glass pulling down 17 boards. it was a statement win and the Blazers stated loudly and clearly that they are here to compete and you have to beat them because they wont lay down and die for anyone. Not saying that San Antonio would be an easy 1st round opponent, but at this point you kinda have to root for the Blazers to land them in the first round, as it seems like a better match up than Houston. So the next test is a BIG one and Im already all riled up for the game. Thats right, The L*kers are gonna be in town Friday night at 7. Be sure to catch that game. and if you're fortunate enough to get to go to the game like me, then remember: Go Loud, Or Go Home. these are exciting times Blazers fans! feel the red and black blood coursing through your veins and show everyone what Blazermania is all about. Lets paint the town red!... and black too! Goooo Blazers!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Travis Outlaw wanted in Memphis for second count of mass murder

Thats right. Travis Outlaw has committed murder for the second time in Memphis. tonight, April 7th 2009, Travis Outlaw of your Portland Trail Blazers was seen at the FedEx Forum in Memphis, ripping out the hearts of the Memphis fans by drilling a huge shot with no more than 14 seconds left in the game to give the Blazers the lead for good. Trout also did this last year in a game in Memphis, hitting a bank shot game winner that would ultimately be the start of our 13 game win streak. Thats right, Mr. 4th quarter was at it again as Travis and Brandon Roy, Mr. 4th quarter and Mr. Clutch, saved a game that should have been won by the Grizzlies. the Griz played awesome tonight, they put a hurt on the Blazers, hitting everything they took. OJ Mayo went off scoring over 30 points, Rudy Gay also had a good game as well as Mike Connely Jr. Memphis played amazing defense as well forcing the Blazers into many uncharacteristic turnovers to the tune of 19 TO. The Blazers also shot poorly, from both the field and at the charity stripe. At one point Portland trailed by 18 points. Rudy Fernandez tho helped remedy that with some well timed 3 point shooting to get us back in the game. And thats all Brandon and Travis needed as they both stepped it up in a huge way at the end of the fourth. down one, Travis outlaw hit a huge bank shot and was fouled, another big bucket for Big Shot Trav. however, he ended up missing the free throw and giving the Griz about 14 seconds to score the ball. as Mike Connely brought the ball up tho Brandon Roy stepped up as he always does. The Natural stripped the ball from Connely and was fouled, sending him to the free throw line where he camly made both to put the Blazers up three. And as time expired, OJ Mayo missed a 3 pointer to win the game and the Blazers stole a game in Memphis. It was an exciting game, and tho we probably deserved to lose it, you take a win whenever you can get it, however you can get it. so now things set up very interesting for tomorrow nights game against the Spurs, if the Blazers win, they would move into a tie with the spurs but would hold the tie breaker meaning the Blazers would be sitting at the 4th spot and the spurs at the 5 with the Blazers having home court. that may be the series the blazers want now that manu Ginobli is out for the year. regardless of all the seeding. tomorrows game is another big test for the Blazers, seeing if they can win on the road against a western conference playoff team. so make sure you catch the game and cheer on your Blazers, we need a Rip city Uprising! also, be cautious about starting time for the game tomorrow. the schedule says 5:30 but i have heard that it actually is starting at 4 now. The schedule also says the game is on kgw, but im not sure of that either, so just keep your eyes peeled, you dont wanna miss this game. Rock on Rip City, an GOOO BLAZERS!


Monday, April 6, 2009

An upsetting loss, with strangely satisfying results.

So as most of you know by now the Blazers lost on Sunday to the Houston Rockets. The game wasnt pretty, the Rockets completely out played us. they were more physical, more aggressive, they shot the ball well, they locked up on defense. they played a very nice game and the Blazers got beat outright fair and square. The final score was 102 to 88 in favor of the Rockets and that score was pretty accurate in telling how much the Rockets stuck it to the Blazers. Roy and Aldridge played fairly well each going for 22 points but that was about the end of the production on this night. Rudy was off, Gregory(Greg Oden) and Przybilla were in foul trouble most of the night. Trout (Travis Outlaw) had a fairly decent night but a lot of his points came towards the end of the 4th quarter when the Rockets pretty much had things sealed up. No sir it was not a fun game to watch. through all the nasty play that went on Sunday, there did come some light. The Phoenix Suns got destroyed by the Mavericks and in doing so, officially locked the Blazers into the 2009 NBA playoffs! Its so exciting, going through all the bum years with the Jailblazers era and then having a losing team while going through the rebuilding process, and its finally paid off. It feels sooo good and all though the loss hampered the celebration a bit, you cant help but let your BLAZERMANIA show with pride. So now that the Blazers are definitely in the focus is now home court advantage, or at least landing an opening round match up that the Blazers can win. as of right now the Blazers are up against the rockets in the 1st round and that is not something I really wanna see, given our struggles in Houston. I'll tell you who i would love to see in the 1st round, Utah or the Hornets. i think either one of those teams would be an entertaining matchup as well as a potential win, they will be tough series, but i think those two give the Blazers their best shot at entry to round 2. Regardless tho, the Blazers are in, they look like they will get to 50 wins this season and finish somewhere between the 4 and 6 seed. if you would have told me that at the begining of the year i dont know that i would have beleived you, just getting into the playoffs would have been enough. so no matter what happens, even if we get bounced in the first round, lets take a moment to step back and appreciate the way this team is growing up and improving by leaps and bounds right before our very eyes. Remember, this is only the begining, our time is coming. And hey, Blazers pride looks good on you Blazermaniacs. Let it show.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Chase Is On

Welcome to the official Rip City Mafia blog, home of the Rip City Mafia and some of the best Blazers content you'll find on the web. This is a blog run by Blazer fans and thus, you'll be getting a fans perspective, which could appear to be a lil black and red at times lol. but if you're here you should like that anyways. So this is the official first blog of the site and what else could we be talking about? The playoff chase of course. Blazers magic number is down to 1, meaning if the Blazers win 1 more game or the Phoenix Suns lose 1 more game, the Blazers would clinch a playoff spot. that doesn't seem good enough anymore tho, i want home court and i think all of you do too. Right now the Blazers are sitting at the 4th spot in the west, just a half game ahead of the Houston rockets. with 7 games left in the regular season its veeeery possible that the Blazers could pull home court, which would be so helpful in the Blazers making it out of the first round, cuz we all know how rockin' the RG gets. The Blazers are also only a half game behind the Denver Nuggets for the Division title, which also would be amazing if we could pull off (keep an eye on the last game of the season against Denver). Tomorrows game is crucial to the Blazers making a strong finish to the season as a win would give us a little breathing room between us and the Rockets. Be sure to catch it and help root the Blazers on, it starts at 4 Pm and is on KGW. also, as a side note, there is a total of 4 people who will share writing responsibilities of this blog, the original 4 members of the Mafia. We will sign our names after each post so you can keep track of who writes what. We will be using our Mafia names which are; Doc, Mugzy, Dingo, and Mac. So welcome again to the new place to be for Blazers content and remember... Go Blazers!
