Saturday, April 11, 2009

Yea, i don't think its much of a rivalry either

All i ever hear from L*ker fans is how the Blazers aren't rivals and how the Blazers aren't a big game, no one cares. And ya know what? they're right. I dont think its much of a rivalry either. Every time the L*kers come to Portland, they get their asses spanked. so yea, not much of a rivalry. But if I were you L*ker fans, first off i would probably kill myself, but secondly, i would start regarding the Blazers as a rival, or at least someone you don't take lightly. tonight was an amazing game, The Blazers and L*kers went toe to toe and it was a great game. Kobe tried his damnedest to reverse the L*kers losing streak in the city of roses, but to no avail. The Blazers won 106 to 98. Blazers fans and Fakers fans were jawing all night back n forth, it was epic. The game was close almost all the way through. When the game got into the last few minutes, both stars decided to try an take over the game. Thats right, Roy and Kobe going at each other, head to head,Both guarding the other. And what was the end result? Roy hitting some clutch shots and Kobe missing almost everything he threw up. as a matter of fact, Kobe had one Air ball, one shot that hit the backboard but didn't draw iron, and a very nice pass... right to Steve Blake. It was such a fun game to be a part of and if you've never been to a Blazers L*kers game at the RG, you need to, hands down its something you need to do. at the end of the game its always great to see the L*ker fans disappointed. I actually saw one fan wearing a shirt that had a Blazers symbol on it, but it was not the black n red that we know and love, it was the purple and yellow that we hate. And underneath that hideously colored Blazers symbol, read the words "We own your city." I had to stop and ask him how he could a wear a shirt that says something like that, seeings as how The L*kers have lost the last 8 games at the RG, they haven't won in Rip City since 2005. his answer was similar to what most L*ker fans do when faced with a logical question; he grunted and muttered something about Kobe being the greatest under his breath. So, in short, the game was awesome, there was an awesome outcome, and we got to see L*ker fans insert there foots in their mouth, after BRoy inserted his foot in the L*kers ass. speaking of Roy, be sure to catch his mini radio show, Thursdays at 2. Its an all new segment of the Wheels at Work show on 95.5 The Game and he does an absolutely wonderful job answering questions and its a great chance for him to connect with fans. The next game is tomorrow night at 7:30 as the Blazers travel to LA to do battle with the LA CLippers. Only 3 games left, make sure you catch em and help try to cheer your Blazers on to home court advantage in the playoffs. Let the chants of "BEAT LA, BEAT LA!" echo through the night, as we have in fact beaten LA. Go Blazers!


1 comment:

  1. OOOHHHH the game was BEAUTIFUL! (ITS TRUE) lol. An I saw those tshirts on TV, that should be a copyrite infringement. That was bs..there was this guy down in front making all of those shirts, they said on tv that he left before the game was over (HARDY HAR HARR) he tried to give a couple of shirts to the 2 Mike announcers, but they of course declined, that guy talked a lot of crap, but ended up leaving early..ISNT THAT FUNNY???
    That Kobe Bryant and Brandon Roy thing was cracked me up, especially since it ended so well, lol. Kobes tryin to be the big shot, the overtaker, but BROY showed him who rocks the garden in the end didnt he??
    I LOVE watching games..before I just watched, it was fun, but I caught Blazer fever sometime around seeing the live game this year, got more attentive (tho i always loved them before) they draw me in a certain way and get me pumped now. I hope they get this comcast crap fixed so i can watch more next season, an im very eager to watch them every chance I get.
    PS...I want to go to a Blazer vs Laker game at the Rose Garden next year.. you may have season tickets, but is there some way I can arrange going with you?? buy the ticket next to you all, or maybe u wont have season tickets, or maybe we can get tickets together (I WILL PAY), an have someone buy just your ticket for the night. so ud profit for going to a game lol.
    can we make this happen?? an what did you think of that funny crappy tshirt story?? lol. Gotta love how things end up!!
