Sunday, July 19, 2009

H. Turkoglu? P. Milsap? What about effin B. Roy!?

So ive already told you about the botched offer to Hedo Turkoglu. Well after that fell through the Blazers signed Paul milsap from the Jazz to an offer sheet. I believe the deal was a 4 year contract worth about 32 million. Now Milsap was a restricted free agent so the jazz had to match our deal within a week to retain him. so what the Blazers did was make the contract 'toxic' pretty much meaning they front loaded it with a signing bonus and Milsap was going to get about 17 million dollars up front. speculation is that the Blazers knew the jazz were going to match this deal, which would have put them way over the luxury tax, having both Paul Milsap and carlos Boozer (both all star quality power forwards). So What the Blazers appeared to be doing is trying to hurt the Jazz, by making them keep Milsap or Boozer, not both, and if the jazz didnt sign, o well, u have an all star caliber player backing up Lamarcus. well heres where i have a problem. now people are talking about our front office like we're a bunch of bullies, and talking about KP like hes just a lousy cheat. see I seem to remember when the grizzlies decided to sign Darius Miles just to f**k with our cap space, people told Blazers fans to 'get over it, its all part of the game' and say that thats how the league works. well then why the hell do i have to hear all this talk about the Blazers being bullies and 'messing with people'. remember, its all part of the game dammit. anyways, so the Jazz matched the offer, so the Blazers didnt get Milsap, another free agent falls thru the cracks. however the Blazers are the best option with the most cash for either a lopsided trade or signing a free agent now. i personally think the Blazers will try to get a lopsided trade going rather than sign someone. there is a bit of chatter on L*kers free agent Lamar Odom, I know most Blazers fans roll their eyes at that, for my take on it you should read the post below. Now my real pet peeve tho. Brandon Roy specifically but lamarcus Aldridge as well, are up for contract extensions this year. now Lamarcus as much as i love him isnt a max money player, but he should definitely get at least 4 years. Brandon Roy however is the kind of player you slide a blank check across the desk and tell him to put any number he wants for. for some reason, contract talks have stalled with both. Speaking specifically about Brandon Roy, why the hell is this happening? your going to jerk around your best player? the one guy most responsible for taking your team from a laughing stock of the NBA to one of the best and most promising teams? the guy who does nothing but improve and carry your team? the guy who has done everything you ask on and off the court? bullshit. get the deal done, the negotiations shouldn't take longer than it takes for him to sign his name on the contract. and Lamarcus s a no brainer too. instead of focusing on the final piece right now, why don't we focus on the two players that got us close enough to look for a final piece? well that's my rant for the night, I'll keep you posted if anything big drops. and PS, visit, sign up and voice your distaste with this bs. Go Blazers! LGKP!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

o u son of a %&@#* mother ^*(#@!!! D*(#hole C&#k!!

well as you probably have heard, Hedo pulled an about face and after making a verbal commitment to the Blazers, took 3 million dollars more to go play in Toronto. hell if he really wants to go play on a perennially bad team that may be losing Chris Bosh, good riddance, have fun NOT winning a ring, ever. to be honest, as much as i was looking forward to having a big name player like Turk, I was never completely sold on the idea, 10 million a yea is a lot for a player whose best years are behind him, and besides, i don't want player who is here for money. I WISH we coulda landed artest, he took way less money than he could have pulled from the open market to play with the L*kers and try to win a ring. So regardless of whats happened, the question now is what will happen? where will the Blazers look to upgrade? well i think the Blazers need to exercise a bit of caution because there are no real big free agents that fit our team perfectly out there any more. So we could still make a run at a free agent,or we could work trades. Or we could do nothing and see how this team grows organically, which may set us back another year but it could help us in the long run too. What am i hearing on the subject tho? well strangely im hearing that the Blazers are pushing hard for David Lee. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE David Lee. I love his game, I think hes got a great personality and he would fit right in with the culture of the team. He also brings that toughness that we so desperately need and want. However, lets get real, he wants to get payed, and he wants to star, and he's not starting over Lamarcus. So even if we could talk him into playing a backup role, do you really want to pay a back up the 9 to 10 million it may take to land him? no, you don't, and I hope KP doesn't either. the only way this works is if he plays at the 3, but i have doubts about how effective that'll be. It would create match up problems as he's a good sized 3 but he also wouldn't be as quick as some of the other 3's in the league. The Andre Miller rumor is still circulating and getting some play I like Andre Miller, but i don't know if i like him enough for this team lol. i believe he shoots in the 20% range from the 3 point line, which is ridiculously low especially when you have someone like Brandon Roy who can drive and dish. He also has never really won anywhere he's gone, you cant hold that against him but its still something to think about. Another name Ive heard tossed around is Lamar Odom from the L*kers. my first thought is no. No effing way I want this p.o.s on my team. I'm gonna try to look at this from 'would he help the team' perspective. He plays the 3, which is an area we could use an upgrade in, and he is better than any of the 3's that we have currently. He's a big 3, so he could also play some of the backup 4 as well as providing some insane match up problems. He can be an excellent defender when he wants to be. he can be the 3rd scorer behind Aldridge and Roy, he would welcome that role with open arms because he doesn't always show up to play (which is an issue). he also probably wants a fairly good sized payday. it may work out much like it did for him in LA, with Roy and Aldridge taking the place of Pau and K*be. So is this a good fit? well it sounds like it may be, and it hurts me to say that lol, but really maybe he could help us, assuming of course that he's actually good and not just a product of system. And i know right now he's a l*ker but Ive always said this, i may not like him know, but you win a couple games for me and that may change. and quickly, I havent commented yet on the Pistons signing Ben Gordon to a 55 million dollar deal and Charlie Vilanaueva signing a 40 million dollar deal. I just have to say, is Joe Dumars out of his F*KING mind? wow, good job Detroit, great signings, you got a hell of a bargain... lol. anyways i will keep the site updated on any more news from trades or free agency, keep checking back in. Go Blazers! o and Lets Go Kevin Pritchard! make it happen buddy!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The draft and a side of turkey for free agency

So the draft came and went on the 25th of June, and it was relatively quiet i know. As any Blazers fan whose been with the team at least the last 3 years knows, this is a bit of a shocker. The Blazers have been pretty active on draft days as of late. Very active. As in the MOST active. but it was relatively calm on this draft day. the Blazers only made a few moves, one was the move up to the 22nd pick. The other was trading Sergio (yay!) and the 38th overall pick with cash considerations and our worst pick next year to the Kings for the number 31 pick. its a bit of a head scratcher but it all seems to make sense after a while. So with the 22nd pick KP surprised a lot of people and drafted Victor Claver from Spain, a 6'9'' power forward who received high praises from KP. Now the moves are starting to make sense. The Blazers can moved up just enough to land the guy they wanted for sure and drafted a Spanish player that they can stash over seas and not have to pay him, and they don't have to pay the other 2nd rounders if they don't want to plus they got out from Sergio's contract. They were clearing cap room, presumably to take a run at a high profile free agent, which was absolutely right. So they chose Jeff Pendegraph and Dante Cunningham at the 31 and 33 picks. Two forwards that can duke it out for the back up power forward spot, but i would be shocked if both made the team and even one of them could be a stretch. given the opportunity however both should be solid backups. The really interesting pick for me came at pick 55. As i watched the draft unfold, i noticed that at pick 50, Patrick 'patty' Mills was still available. Patty Mills is an undersized point guard at about 6'0'' but he's lightning quick and he intrigues the hell outta me. We all saw how well Aaron Brooks did for the Rockets did as an undersized lightning quick point guard. So imagine my delight when Peppermint Patty Mills (i saw that on Blazers edge and am now going to steal it lol) was still on the board at 55 and KP scooped him up, what a steal that late in the draft. and He's Australian so he could go play overseas somewhere if we don't want him right now. So today, July 1st is the first day teams are allowed to talk to free agents, and the Blazers wasted no time, they were the first to contact Hedo Turkoglu. We're taking a run at him and by all indications running pretty hard.So what do i think of this? well, I'm skeptical because the report is Hedo wants 5 years 50 million dollars, which is a lot to pay someone whose 30. As i rethought it tho, Turk is a 6'10 forward who can play 3 to 4 positions and is a WHIZ at the side pick and roll, which will really open things up for GO and if Lma can get his 3 pointer down, he could kill behind the arc because the double team on Greg will come most likely from the 4, leaving Lma open from distance. i started to get more and more sold on Turk, the stat that really did it for me was that he's got more playoff experience than all the current Blazers combined, which is something to be desired. i then heard that Rudy is unhappy about this pursuit of Hedo, actually the exact word Chris Sheridan from used was 'infuriated'. Now i haven't heard anything from Rudy directly yet, but i have some issues with this. the article says he's worried about playing time, and even if hedo wasn't coming over, Rudy will still be playing behind Roy, so he's not gonna make a killer amount of minutes, and it has very little to do with Turk. i heard that Rudy may go as far as to request a trade. and as much as I LOVE Rudy, if he wants a trade because of minutes, we may have to move him, because he cant play ahead of Brandon Roy, so his minutes will always be limited. so my thought is this; If we get Hedo, one of the small forwards is gone, Travis Outlaw more likely than the others. there's just not enough room at the 3 spot. so if Rudy demands a trade, we package Travis outlaw and Rudy Fernandez to pick up another quality player because word is that Rudy has got a fairly high market value and Travis has some suitors as well. All in all, i cant say I'm 100% confident in this move if we do sign Hedo, but i do know that im very intrigued because it has the potential to make us immensely better and possibly even... dare i say it? ... contenders? well we'll have to see. KP has improved the team every year since he's been here and I'm putting my trust in him, i believe that hes still got a couple other moves up his sleeve too after Turkoglu. It's all about waiting and seeing now. check back here I'll post anything as i hear it and keep an eye on too, one of my favorite sites, possibly the best Blazers fan site out there, and they'll get you the info as it happens! Get pumped Portland, this is an exciting time! Go Blazers!
