Sunday, July 5, 2009

o u son of a %&@#* mother ^*(#@!!! D*(#hole C&#k!!

well as you probably have heard, Hedo pulled an about face and after making a verbal commitment to the Blazers, took 3 million dollars more to go play in Toronto. hell if he really wants to go play on a perennially bad team that may be losing Chris Bosh, good riddance, have fun NOT winning a ring, ever. to be honest, as much as i was looking forward to having a big name player like Turk, I was never completely sold on the idea, 10 million a yea is a lot for a player whose best years are behind him, and besides, i don't want player who is here for money. I WISH we coulda landed artest, he took way less money than he could have pulled from the open market to play with the L*kers and try to win a ring. So regardless of whats happened, the question now is what will happen? where will the Blazers look to upgrade? well i think the Blazers need to exercise a bit of caution because there are no real big free agents that fit our team perfectly out there any more. So we could still make a run at a free agent,or we could work trades. Or we could do nothing and see how this team grows organically, which may set us back another year but it could help us in the long run too. What am i hearing on the subject tho? well strangely im hearing that the Blazers are pushing hard for David Lee. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE David Lee. I love his game, I think hes got a great personality and he would fit right in with the culture of the team. He also brings that toughness that we so desperately need and want. However, lets get real, he wants to get payed, and he wants to star, and he's not starting over Lamarcus. So even if we could talk him into playing a backup role, do you really want to pay a back up the 9 to 10 million it may take to land him? no, you don't, and I hope KP doesn't either. the only way this works is if he plays at the 3, but i have doubts about how effective that'll be. It would create match up problems as he's a good sized 3 but he also wouldn't be as quick as some of the other 3's in the league. The Andre Miller rumor is still circulating and getting some play I like Andre Miller, but i don't know if i like him enough for this team lol. i believe he shoots in the 20% range from the 3 point line, which is ridiculously low especially when you have someone like Brandon Roy who can drive and dish. He also has never really won anywhere he's gone, you cant hold that against him but its still something to think about. Another name Ive heard tossed around is Lamar Odom from the L*kers. my first thought is no. No effing way I want this p.o.s on my team. I'm gonna try to look at this from 'would he help the team' perspective. He plays the 3, which is an area we could use an upgrade in, and he is better than any of the 3's that we have currently. He's a big 3, so he could also play some of the backup 4 as well as providing some insane match up problems. He can be an excellent defender when he wants to be. he can be the 3rd scorer behind Aldridge and Roy, he would welcome that role with open arms because he doesn't always show up to play (which is an issue). he also probably wants a fairly good sized payday. it may work out much like it did for him in LA, with Roy and Aldridge taking the place of Pau and K*be. So is this a good fit? well it sounds like it may be, and it hurts me to say that lol, but really maybe he could help us, assuming of course that he's actually good and not just a product of system. And i know right now he's a l*ker but Ive always said this, i may not like him know, but you win a couple games for me and that may change. and quickly, I havent commented yet on the Pistons signing Ben Gordon to a 55 million dollar deal and Charlie Vilanaueva signing a 40 million dollar deal. I just have to say, is Joe Dumars out of his F*KING mind? wow, good job Detroit, great signings, you got a hell of a bargain... lol. anyways i will keep the site updated on any more news from trades or free agency, keep checking back in. Go Blazers! o and Lets Go Kevin Pritchard! make it happen buddy!


1 comment:

  1. LMFAO, LMFAO, nice microsoft paint work baby. Wow, made me LOL, added some extra PIZZAZZ to the allready exciting blog.
    I think I just mentally shit myself, douche!
    Sounds like you should start a chant, maybe another encouraging blog..IN KEVIN PRITCHARD WE TRUST,
    it seems as if the team puts a lot of stock into him, I am glad he is steering them in the right direction mostly, I hope in this tough time he continues to do so.
    a few Q's..u wanna text them to me you may, or however u wanna do this is great.
    1.What is"a product of a system" ??
    2. tell me more about the Joe Dumars thing, and why those were bad deals (just wondering, curiosity, you know)
    3. what is your limited spending on new players at this point?
    I think thats it...
    one day ill get it all, im understanding a little more now again with this blog :)
