Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Twas the night before the draft

Ah! it is upon us! on more day and the draft day is here, the trades from the last blogs have been completed and even more have been reported. Jamal Crawford sound like he;s headed to the hawks, and a few more trades have been mentioned. Without a doubt tho. the big deal thus far is Shaq headed to Cleveland. all we're waiting for now is for the owners to finalize the deal, and for Shaq to pick out another ridiculous nickname. The Cavs got Shaq while giving up only Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovich. im curoius to see if this works out for the Cavs or if it backfires, the good thing is that they didnt give up much. So as you can see there are already trades being made and it looks like its gonna be a big day for trades tomorrow. The Blazers made a trade today as well, nothing big but they traded the 24th pick, the 56th pick and the worst pick of next years draft to the Mavs for the 22nd pick. Why would they do that? just two spots? well I feel this is gonna be a piece in a bigger puzzle, i would be surprised if the Blazers picked at 22, i think if they do they'll be picking for another team. Possibly Chicago? theres a lot of talk about Kirk Hinrich coming to Portland, and this rumor has been circulating for the last couple years tho. However, it does seem to have some extra push as of late, captain Kirk has actually been telling friends that he believes he'll be in Portland next year. is this the best way to go? I have to say, if you dont have to give up a terrible amount of talent for him, I like it. Especially if Steve Blake stays. I think Hinrich is a little more talented and athletic version of Steve Blake. to have Blake and Hinrich as 1a and 1b, i would be very pleased with that. So i will keep this updated on that for sure. so many possibilities and I can hardly wait! Keep your eyes peeled because you never know whats gonna happen when KP is pulling the trigger. Go Blazers!


1 comment:

  1. hmmmm mmmmm...another blog that proves you REALLY know your are almost like a mind insider to information, you can get right inside Kevin Pritchard (Pritchart?) mind, and pick it.
    Hopefully good will come of it, and moving up a couple spots will be the right thing for the team.
    Well written again..
