Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two days to go and all ready the fun begins

There are two days left until the NBA draft and i can hardly stand it. I love this time of year, especially lately as KP never seems to let down, he always seems to have some sort of draft day fun up his sleeve. This year Will be exceptionally interesting because its so wide open. The Clippers will select Blake Griffin first overall but after that, its open for debate. The Blazers hold the 24 pick but i would have a hard time believing that they stay there and make a pick. I think they'll either move up or move out of the draft entirely. I'm in favor of moving out of the draft unless a few things happen; of the Blazers can get up high enough in the lottery without sacrificing much, i would be intrigued by Ricky Rubio, he's a big point gaurd from Spain and he's said to have great court vision. i also would be interested to see if the Blazers took stephen Curry, the 6'3'' gaurd from Davidson with a lights out shot. the only problem with that is I think Bayless would go, its either one or the other i think. i wouldnt mind seeing the Blazers keep the 24th pick if a couple players slid down that far. i'd be happy with Tyler Hansbrough, the 6'8'' forward from North Carolina, he would play behind Aldridge and I like the toughness he brings, and the energy, he seems to just keep going, theres a reason they call him psycho T. and the other player if he fell that far that i would like is Hansbroughs teamate, Ty Lawson. Lawson is a pure point, he can attack the rim and his shot has improved. He 's got good court vision and he knows how to win. the only thing that bugs me about him is his size, he's 6'1'' and thats probably being generous. He'll have a hard time defending bigger guard in the NBA but im intrigued and i have a good feeling about Lawson, look for him to surprise people how well he plays in the league. What i want the Blazers to do however is use some of their Young pieces and cap room to gain a small forward or a backup power forward. I've heard a lot this off season on how teams that have monetary flexibility (i.e. the Blazers) can afford to take on some of the star players salaries that other teams are trying to shed. Pretty much meaning that we may be able to pull of the equivalent of the pau Gasol trade ( ya know, where the Lakers gave the Griz shit and got an all star in return). However, i hadnt heard anything like that going down yet, until today that is. The Spurs traded the expiring contract of Frabricio Oberto, Bruce Bowen, and Kurt thomas to the bucks for star small forward Richard Jefferson. This is what i want the Blazers to do, trade some pieces they dont need to acquire a bigger pice to the puzzle, and seeing that its true, that some teams are going to be willing to give u star players for nothing more than salary cap space. makes me excited to think what the Blazers could do. Another trade also went down, the Wizards have traded Pechorov, Etan Thomas, songaila and the 5th pick to the timberwolves for Randy Foye and mike miller. i like what Minnesota did here, they already ahve the 6th pick and now have the 5th as well. this opens a lot of doors for them as they can now get high quality rookies, a big and a small perhaps to help Al Jefferson as they rebuild in Minnesota. this could also be good news for the Blazers if they feel theres a player they want and the 5th or 6th pick will be enough to attain them. with Minnesota having consecutive picks that high they may trade them to the Blazers or another willing team and get some young proven talent as well as a high lottery pick. there are so many things the Blazers could do, I believe that they're going to try to move up and if they cant for a reasonable Price they'll try to move out of the draft and trade for a veteran (which i like hearing and Im sure Nate McMillan does too!). Well in two days we'll see how it all goes down, make sure to check it out, its on ESPN at 4, and 95.5 the game will be covering the draft all day, and they usually break draft day news about the Blazers before ESPN does anyways. So sit back and enjoy this unpredictable ride, it could be an epic day in the lives of Blazers fans! Go Blazers!


1 comment:

  1. ooooo god one, I love how you put all the predictions in, now your readers can see, as the trades and changes occur and this week goes on..we can all see if you were right by your predictions.
    You know your shit Doc..you really do!!
    Good blog..again..
    ugh, your so good..
    if i or anyone could bang your writing...we all would.
